Remember the time when your mom taught you how to paint? Or how your dad played some innovative games with you? Well, it shaped you to be how you are today. As you see your child smiling at you, you only wish to give them the best that you can! But how are you going to do that? Exactly like your parents did! Help them explore the creativity in them. The Importance of Art and Creativity in Child's Development is essential! It shapes their skills and brings the best out of them. How? Read on to know it.

The Importance of Art and Creativity in Child's Development
Why are creative arts important in early childhood?

You often see children are hyperactive. They are packed with energy but don’t know how to channel it. This energy needs to be channeled in a positive productive direction. We mean that it is your job, as a parent to help them seek the best outcome from this energy. Here is where art plays its role. Art is a medium that will help you to channelize your energy to bring out the most out of it. Moreover, it calms their hyperactivity as the brain engages in an activity.

When a child gets involved in a creative activity, he learns to concentrate on a task. This helps him in developing his skills that are listed below.
Motor Skills

Involvement in a creative activity requires many movements and co-ordination. Hence, the motor skill of the child who is involved in creative activity is developed better than those who have not.
Language Development

Getting into activity class or doing it at home will require basic communication. There are more chances of a child learning new vocabs by activity than in a static classroom environment. This is because he uses those words to enquire or tell something about his activity. On the other hand, classroom learning seems boring because the child does not understand why and when to use those words.

When a child is involved in a creative activity, he thinks of ways to use the same tools in creating new ideas. This improves his reasoning, thinking, and decision-making ability.
Cultural Awareness

Learning different things each time, the child gets various to know the A-Z of it. This helps him in understanding the diversity of culture.
Encourages Neural Connections

As we said earlier, art is an activity in which the child is actively and completely involved. Therefore, each of his senses is triggered. The synapses in the brain of a child fire as they experience situations while performing the activity thus encouraging neural connections.

- Give your child a specific area to explore the dimension of art. It should be an area that you must not bother about even if it gets messy.
- Let the child make his own decisions. Let him figure out how a thing is done. If he is unable to figure it out himself, only then help him.
- Explore what your child has made and what he was thinking while making it. Ask questions like, "Tell me about what you made," or ask, "Did you have fun making it?”
- Let his activity be his own. You might get an urge to sit and draw but avoid doing it.
Fold It In Origami

Origami is the art of folding paper to make various shapes. This helps in developing the motor skills of the child.
Rock Painting For Fun

The child’s brain imagines many things that you can’t think of. So let him explore his imagination with rock painting.
Learn With Calligraphy

One of the fun ways to make kids learn alphabets is by calligraphy. They always love to experiment with whatever they can.
Shape It Up With Sculpting

Another great way to stimulate his mind and improve his motor skills is sculpting. Just give him some clay and see what he does.
Creativity Using Craft

Let your child explore the various dimensions of art by introducing various crafts to him. Use different materials each time.
Drawing To Express

Children are not vocal nor are they so constructive to express it through writing what they feel. Drawing here becomes a great medium for them to express what they feel.
Painting To Explore

Did you know, our brain reacts differently to each color. Humans associate emotions with colors. So let your child explore the universe of colors.
The Importance of Art and Creativity in Child's Development is crucial in the budding years of his life. This is the best time to introduce different types of skills to them. Moreover, let them explore so that they know what helps them calm down.