Walking down the lane, have you ever come across huge artworks done on the wall? Or have you seen some different type of art that has swept you off your feet? Well, then you have had your fair share of encounter with the Street Art. When you see, you come to know that this art is not just an artwork, it has a motive behind it! The motive can be of various forms that hold their roots on what is happening in society. It is the rage of the common people that comes out in the form of art and it has loud messages to give. Do you want to know more about it? Well here is an Introduction to Street Art Types: A Beginner's Guide. We are sure you will love the information we have in here for you. Here are some Easy Rock Painting Ideas For Kids To Try.

Introduction to Street Art Types: A Beginner's Guide

What is Street Art?
Street art is an outrage of people in some or the other form. It is an artwork that is done on the walls of the streets that are public locations. These artworks are not sanctioned and hence are something regarded as illegal art because it is done on public property. However, the artists don’t have an agenda to destroy and public property. The street art artists have an agenda to put light on the events that are social or political and bring out the feeling of people or a community as a whole in the form of art.
The street art is usually done with spray paints and some artists do it in “smart vandalism” while others choose to do it in the urban atmosphere! These artists take a risk of speaking out the truth and their emotion about the society in full public view. Initially, street art was a form in which textual or graphical content was painted on the walls of the street. This dates back to the popular Kilroy Was Here graffiti which done in the era of World War II.
The street art is popular around the globe with almost every western country being home to some popular artists. North America, South America, and Europe are some of the famous ones.

Different Forms of Street Art
The street art has, with time, evolved and graffiti is not just the one that is popular. Below we have listed 5 different forms of street art that you will love!

Stenciling is a form of street art in which artists bring in their artwork already cut out on cardboard or paper. When they choose a wall to make this, they simply trace it and then do the details of it. Since it is a stencil, it can be easily recreated on some different wall and have the same details.


The origins of street art have a big say in the world of graffiti. We can say that it has somehow encouraged other street art style to blossom and come up. Graffiti is a form of street art in which spray paints are used along with chalks that are easily and cheaply accessible. Moreover, these paints do not take much time to try up and can layer on own another easily. The fast drying of the paints is necessary because the artists do not have much time while doing this, the reason being that graffiti is in a way illegal. However, artists of this community are hedonists and are not repelled easily. Graffiti is a way of expressing emotion, thought and ideas about social and political agendas.

3d Art

Have you come across some wooing artworks that look as though they are going to come up and jump on you? Well, you have then had your experience with 3-d art. 3-d art is a form of art in which the art is drawn from the perspective of an angle. When you view that image from that particular angle, it appears like it is a 3-dimensional art. This art has its boom in the world of painting and artistry in the past decade and believes us, it is indeed mind-blowing.

Stickers And Posters Street Art

Rather than going out there and painting something, stickers and posters are something that people create and stick on the walls. It draws the instant attraction of people and thus it creates a buzz. The stickers can belong to a community or a group or it can simply be a mode of expressing a feeling.

Yarn Bombing

Yarn bombing is a type of street art that does not include and spray paint or chalk marks. A simple display of crochet or yarn is placed in a jaw-dropping on things such as trees or poles. They are symmetrical and are seen as an art of beautification rather than being expressive. Moreover, it does not harm any sentiments. With this, here are Contemporary Modern Art Paintings for Core Art Lovers

We hope you loved all the information that we have here as an Introduction to Street Art Types: A Beginner's Guide. The next time you go out and see the art, we are sure you can tell a lot about it to the ones who are with you. Amaze them with your pot of knowledge and is they are ready to share theirs, take it in as well.